Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The garden is in. Finally. It's the biggest garden we have ever planted, and probably our last at the farm, so we decided to go big. I hope we will have lots of extra produce to give to the food bank. The farm is getting eight new chickens, so there will be extra eggs for the food bank too.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed one of the chickens had trouble walking. Poor old peg leg had a broken foot. I have been watching her, bringing her extra feed, but every time I did, the other chickens came and took it away. Even if they had their own food, they would not leave peg leg's alone.

This week, I noticed that peg leg never went outside, just stayed around the roost, moping, so I picked her up and set her outside, and all of the chickens started to attack her. I must have looked insane, crying out "no" and "bad chickens."

I guess, I am still pretty much a city girl. When I mentioned it to Scot and his uncle, they both said the same thing, "That's nature." Nature is not always pretty. I know it's common knowledge-- a cliche even--and that I should know these things, but I guess we have to learn and relearn everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow I can't help looking in a bird's empty nest
- Seibi