Monday, July 12, 2010

The Summer Garden

Finally, the peas are ready, the cherry tomatoes are just starting, the strawberries are almost finished, and the raspberries were a bust. The beans in the bean house are now climbing their poles. The garden is looking very good.

I am disappointed by the champion of England pea seeds. They are vigorous but the peas themselves are tiny and not very tasty. The Mr Vans are amazing tall and big pods with tasty peas. Waiting on the Manitoba peas but I think they may be small but they are also very vigorous..

The soya beans took, with a catch of about 70% which is better than in past years. The sunflowers never germinated, so have to buy some seeds next year. I liked the West Coast seed variety pack (usually I don’t go for that kind of thing but these were pretty good and they kept you guessing).

The zuccinni are producing now and soon we will be buried under an avalanche of them.