Monday, July 04, 2011

Polish Rose Petal Jam

Every year, we make a mint rose petal jelly. To do this, we combine wild rose petals and mint to make a tea, and then use the tea to make jelly.

Mint jelly is one of our most popular jellies, so we do a few batches, when the roses are finished. we use lavender as well.

There are lots of strands of wild roses, so we were looking for ways to make just a wild rose jelly. We had tried doing this with the Certo recipe but the roses' flavour is too delicate and the heat destroys it.

This year, scot found a recipe that doesn't use heat. It essentially involves grinding the roses with sugar. The sugar preserves the roses and the roses liquifies the sugar.

When the roses and sugar are completely ground (this is hard work). We put the jelly in sterile jars, turned them upside down to create a vacuum, and stored them in the fridge for good measure.

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