Monday, June 08, 2009

Garden Circa May 31, 2009

One week. What a week will do! I did cheat a little. I added bedding plants and I bought a few plants that already started. Soon, zucchini.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Garden circa May 14, 2009

Hawthorn Tree

The Hawthorn tree are just at their peak. There are several of them on the farm, as they are indigenous to the area. Right now, the blossoms are alive with the sounds of bees and other pollinators. I saw a bee as big as my thumb!

The Snowball Tree

All the tentative reminders of spring--the violets, the balm of Gilead, the lilacs--are finished. Suddenly, all the leaves on all the tress are out.

This snowball tree is very old, but it had been languishing in a grove of birch trees. It was only about three feet tall, when we decided to move it to its present location. Suddenly it grew and grew. They are right, it is all in the location.